Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cute Spring Happenings

Hi all! I just wanted to share a few snapshots of some cute little spring happenings here at Edgington Farm.
Nothing says spring like daffodils blooming.
Our 8 wounded and picked birds were doing well enough that I decided to combine all of our new chicks (except the still tiny little bantams) in our handy brooder box. 

We've been letting Bacon bunk in with our older chicken flock, and judging by this picture, everyone is adjusting well. This was bedtime, and everyone seems comfy and cozy!

These were some of our Easter colored eggs. We had lots of fun doing them.
Toby had a nice upsetting faceplant in a puddle. 

These little bantam chicks are like feathery little ping pong balls. They love being held too. So cute!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Love the pictures!! I'm thinking about doing a week in photos type thing on my blog! I've seen quite a few others doing it, and I love to take random pictures, so thought it'd be perfect! The Easter eggs look great! We didn't get around too this year, but we may do some anyway, lol!!

    1. Haha. Whenever I'm outside I try to snap a few pics of neat things to share with family anyway since a lot of them live far away. I figured I'd just share with everyone!
