Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My First Egg

Hi all! I am over the moon to announce the arrival of my first egg! It is a cute little brown egg about the size of a ping-pong ball. I *believe* it was laid by a red meat pullet, but as I didn't see her lay it, I'm not positive. Here it is in all its cuteness next to a regular large egg from the store.

We have an old workbench in the chicken coop, and they all roost on the bottom shelf. I went out to do my nightly ritual of  making sure they have food and water, counting heads, making sure the overhead light is off, and checking nest boxes. I call this putting the girls to bed. Anywho, as I was putting the girls to bed, I spied a little meaty hen rolling a little Brown egg across the shelf towards me. It was like she was saying "Look what I did mom!" I was so excited! I ran into the house and told everyone! You would've thought I layed it myself.

I can't wait to find more eggs soon. I will be expecting the rest of the ladies to start earning their keep. Hehe.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Yay!!! Congrats!! I'm so excited for you! We're on egg watch with our new ones, but none yet. Hoping soon though. :)

  2. That's exciting! It's so fun getting some first eggs from any bird, whether it's your first or fiftieth!
