Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Rough Week On The Farm

Hi all. I've been a bit lousy with the posts since last week, but I gotta tell ya we've had a rough week here on Edgington Farm.

Our ducks learned how to fly out of their pen, but this new found talent would come at a great expense. We had to leave for the day and by the time we returned that night, we had gone from having 6 ducks to only 4. The puppy had killed one and one was missing without us having a clue where it had gone. That happened Saturday. Sunday the remaining 4 ducks were enjoying the yard peacefully. But, when I went out to feed everyone Monday morning, they were all gone! I do believe they left because of that darn puppy. There is a pond nearby, so I'm hopeful that they are ok. Monday night my fiance and I are enjoying a leisurely walk around the yard and we happen to go behind the garage and near the chicken coop. And what do we find? Inside of a dark, damp, dirty dog house that's been unused for who knows how long is an injured, quietly quacking little duck!!

We finally managed to get rid of the puppy Sunday afternoon, but not without a significant loss to our poultry. Before we got rid of him he killed 3 chickens, 1 duck, wounded 1 chicken and 1 duck. He killed an Easter Egger, a packing peanut rooster, and our small black bantam Sebright.

Our beans in the garden have been getting eaten up by some sort of pest, so we have to replant almost 50% of our beans!

The duck that we found in the abandoned dog house is on the mend in the old recovery cage I used for our wounded chicken. The rest of our garden and the corn patch are doing very well. I will do some updates on those very soon. So, I guess there is hope yet here on the farm. We will persevere through the mess, and replace our poor lost birds. We are going to work on our beans this week.

Wish us luck, and as always thanks for visiting Edgington Farm! Come back soon!


  1. Oh no!!! How awful! If y'all need any help, let me know. I'd be glad to come over.

    1. Thanks so much for the offer Mary. That is a wonderful example of how folks on farms really care about their friends and family. We are doing ok now. Our duck will bounce back, I'm sure of it. I will be buying more chicks soon, but I'm sad that I lost several of my very first birds this way. I'm also sorry that the puppy worked out so terribly. He just wasn't a fit for our farm family. Our older dog Max is far too lazy and spoiled to even bother looking at the chickens, let alone chase them. LOL
