Wednesday, October 23, 2013

2013 Growing Season Summary

Hi all! I know it's been a long time. I'll be the first to admit I'm not so great at long term consistency, but I'm trying! I tend to tire of things quickly, but seeing as how this journey is important and dear to my heart, I want to try to continue documenting it. Try to be patient with me as I usually make all my posts with nothing more than my cell phone!

We've put the garden to bed for the year and it is time for me to write up a summary of our attempts. To summarize our first real attempt at growing a garden, I want to begin by saying that it was a real pleasure. Despite our joy, there were some things we weren't too impressed with, but we're sure we can improve with time and practice.

Good Garden Turnouts
1. Most of our plants grew very well and produced nicely.
2. Our sweet corn was stellar and we even had crossing of our two corn varieties, resulting in a lovely bi-color corn.
3. Our green beans were so productive, we were begging people to come and pick some for themselves!
4. Our peppers really put out the fruit at the end of the season, something we did not anticipate at all.
5. Our first attempt at growing potatoes was very pleasing with small, but plentiful and delicious potatoes. 
6. I realized how truly hardy brassicas can be!
7. We were so impressed with how the compost improved our soil and our plants.

Some Things We Wish To Improve
1. Weeding was so tedious and occupied much of our time early on. We will be trying a few new things next year to improve this.
2. Our corn rows were spaced too far apart to provide ample protection and support from winds and rains.
3. We didn't plant enough of anything (except beans!) to allow me to can or pickle properly.
4. Our biggest mistake was not planting early enough. Hopefully with having the established beds and our knowledge gained this year, we will be getting things out to follow the Farmer's Almanac.
5. We may have over fertilized some of our plants. Too much of a good thing and all.
6. We're going to improve our seed starting capabilities so that we can save money, have a better growing season, and have more heirloom plants.
7. We are going to try to save more seed of our own next year.
8. We are going to support our plants with better techniques and more attentiveness.
9. I'm waging war on cabbage moths next year. Dedpite the hardiness of our brassicas, I know they did not reach their full potential because of the cabbage moths/worms.
10. I want to be more prepared for the fruit and veggie harvests next year with more canning/freezing supplies on hand.

These are our main gripes for our first year. I'm positive we'll always have something to learn, but I'm hopeful the list won't be so dramatic and long in the coming years. In January of 2014 I want to compile a list of goals for our 2014 homestead endeavors. I've got a long list, but I think any homesteader will tell you there's always work to be done on the farm.

Thanks for reading!

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