Sunday, June 30, 2013

New Bantam Breeding Pair

Hi all. We have purchased a breeding pair of Mille Fleur D'uccle bantam chickens. We already had a female bantam of this breed. The pair is a little less than a year old. I am really excited because the female was laying eggs when I picked them up. The previous owner even had some baby chicks there from the pair that he had just hatched out a week or 2 ago! They were so cute!

The hen may begin laying eggs immediately, or, due to stress, she may wait until she feels safe and adjusted to her environment. I can't wait to see how she lays, and I hope they adjust well to my flock.

I decided to name the rooster Chocolate Chip and the hen Cookie. Hehe. Come back soon to learn about how we will be integrating the newbies to the flock.

Thanks for reading!

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