Monday, July 1, 2013

Chicken Processing Part 2-2013

Hi all! We were a little past due on processing our meat birds. In effect, we spent more on feed and got a slightly lower quality meat. :( We have promised ourselves not to let this happen next time. The meat is still good, but it is a bit tougher.

We processed 5 red ranger meat roosters and 2 red sex link packing peanut roosters. Our meat roosters averaged out at about 7 lbs each (YOWZA!) and our packing peanuts were about 4 lbs each. We still have a couple packing peanuts to process this year. I was stunned though!

They sure tasted good in these chicken tacos!

We barbacued 3 of them a day or 2 later. They sure were good, but I think I still could use more practice cutting up a whole chicken!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I need help cutting up a chicken too! Great job on the processing....I still don't think I can stomach it. :-/

    1. The act of killing them is still something I'm not to keen on myself. I don't help much with that part. I deal with them once they are plucked or ready to be plucked. I just tell myself at least they have been given a good life and that I'm very thankful they have died to help feed my family.
