Friday, July 19, 2013

Found A Baby Bird

Hi all! I was outside the other day feeding the goats, and wouldn't you know, I spotted a little baby bird in a pile of hay on the ground. We had found one just the day before, a few feet further out. That poor little thing didn't survive.

I thought for sure that this little bird would be dead too. Much to my surprise it was alive! The nest, that I'm sure it fell out of, is pretty high up. I put the little bird in a plastic tote without a lid, some straw for bedding, and an ice tray half full of water and half full of chicken feed. I put him on top of our tallest pile of straw near the nest.

It has been about 3 days now and the little thing is still alive. I'm pretty surprised. I don't know if its mama is caring for it in the mornings or evenings, but it is alive and thriving. The little guy is trying to learn to fly.

Does anyone know what kind of bird he is? Here is a picture of what I suspect to be its mama:

I'll just keep caring for him and hoping for the best!

Thanks for reading!

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