Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chicken and Plant Updates-4 weeks

Hi all! We've been busy here on our little farm. Our seedlings are growing and I do believe our house is looking rather like a plant nursery. We've got so many seeds started. We should be planting sometime soon. We've just got to grow out some more little leaves. (Grow, baby grow!)

I'm anxious for some warm weather. I don't know about the weather anywhere else, but here in Southern Ohio we are being teased with lovely spring-like weather, then slapped with a couple of inches of snow. Dang Punxsutawney Phil tricked me into thinking we were gonna have some awesome, early spring.

Mitch holding a meat chicken to show how big they are already!

On another note, our chickens are a month old now, and growing fast! I gave them their first treats (oats, strawberries, and carrots), but alas, the chickens were not entirely impressed. They love to escape the brooder. They can often be caught now roosting on the sides of it. The meat chickens are growing so much and looking (dare I say it?) yummier and juicier! Hehe. We've set a date for chicken processing (fancy name for chicken slaughter). We will be "taking care of" our 4 Jumbo Cornish X Rocks on March 30. I know! Crazy, right? I'm nervous and excited. They will be 7 weeks old. I can't wait to see how much they weigh.  

That's about it for now, at least until we can start planting. What's going on at your house as we gear up for spring?

Thanks for reading!

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