Thursday, March 28, 2013

Strawberry Blackberry Jam

Hi all! Sometimes, there's nothing better than some good toast with yummy jelly for breakfast. Mmmm...making my mouth water just thinking about it! I have found that in our material world, it's very fun, rewarding, and educational to occasionally try it yourself. This is my philosophy for my whole life. Maybe it's not your style, but you still like a fun DIY now and again. Anywho, here it is! My attempt (efforts shared by my mom) strawberry-blackberry jam.

Strawberry-Blackberry Jam
4 cups of berries
4 1/2 Tbsp of classic pectin
3 c. Sugar
Jelly jars

1.  Cut the stems from the strawberries. Rinse both berries gently and dry well.
2.  Put berries in a bowl and gently crush the berries until some juice runs.
3.  Boil berries on high and add pectin a little at a time.
4.  Boil until it reaches a hard, rolling boil. Slowly add sugar (we used Splenda) until fully dissolved.
5.  Boil 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
6.  Ladle hot jam into hot jars, leaving a 1/4" headspace.  Top with hot lids and dry bands. Screw bands on until finger-tight.
6.  Process in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes at a gentle boil.
7.  Cool for several hours. Check seals for flexibility. If flexible,  you may have to try reprocessing. If firm, you should have a good seal.

-  Always follow safely guidelines for canning to ensure safety and quality.
-  This yielded seven 4 oz. jelly jars for us


  1. awesome amber, I made apple jelly and also some mixed berry jam last year its fun and such a good feeling too.

    1. Thanks Sherry! It is really fun and fast! I made and canned this in like 25 minutes!
