Monday, March 18, 2013

Moving Chickens

Hi all! We finally moved the chickens to their permanent coop. It's much roomier in their new coop and they seem to love the space. We've got the feeder and waterer hanging up to help prevent roosting on (and pooping in) them. I'm not so sure it's working.

We added three roosting bars so that they can do that when they get older.  Right now, they just hang out under the bars where the heat lamps are.

At this age chickens need about 3/4 sq ft per bird of space.  We have about twice that in ours. Plus we have a chicken run that they won't use yet. We still have to cover the run to protect the chickens from hawks and prevent them from flying out all the time. They also don't have enough feathers (or brains) to keep themselves warm enough yet, so they can't venture out.

The chickens aren't as scared or nervous around us now that we can walk with them in the coop. Our son absolutely loves running around with them in the new coop. The chickens love chasing him just as much!

Sorry about the poor video quality.  Isn't that too cute though! 

Thanks for reading. 


  1. Lol, the video is so cute of the baby chicks following after him!!! I love the outside coop! Oh, also, I love the new layout!! :)

  2. Lol! Thanks! He loved the chickens. Thanks, I'm really happy with my new layout too.
