Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring/Easter Wreath

Hi all. I just wanted to share my latest project. I made a wreath! I gotta say, I impressed myself on this one. Hehe. I'm sure, like me, you've seen all those wreaths and nests people make on pinterest. I looked at them drooling and finally decided "Hey, I can do that too."

So, I did.I started by gathering some vines and young saplings from our woods. (In the rain, during a flood warning-yeah sometimes my eagerness outweighs my common sense.) If you plan on replicating this, I suggest using wet saplings and vines. Mine had been rained on for a couple of days, but if you're not getting rain you can soak them in the tub or a bucket. It sounds crazy but they're much easier to work with this way.  Making this wreath (it's about 12" across) used an armload of twigs. That is no lie. It takes a surprisingly large amount of wood to make this thing, so be prepared. Once you get your stuff together, you can start weaving everything together. Start with the most flexible twigs first.

I made the flowers with my Cricut paper cutter. As for the eggs, we poked a hole in the bottoms with a pin and just sort of scrambled the contents as best as we could. The key is to poke a hole in both ends for free flowing egg goop. Carefully wash them out and allow to dry for 24 hours. Now just glue it all together!

Happy crafting!

Thanks for reading!


  1. That is so adorable!! I still don't know if I could do that though! Great job!
