Saturday, March 2, 2013

Nothing Beats a Bouquet...

Hi all! I just had to share my beautiful bouquet of...eggs!! Mitch went out this afternoon and brought me back a lovely carton full of pretty chicken eggs from a co-worker in varying shades like my own will be. He knows how to make me smile. :) Yes, I know. I'm a total geek, but aren't these eggs awesome? The timing is right too. We're having this yucky weather here in Ohio and I'm pining for warmer weather and lots of greenery. Hopefully this perks you up too. Maybe put some "spring" in your step.

Feast your eyes on these beauties.
*DISCLAIMER: These are NOT from my chickens. I've got a while to go. These were a gift.*

If you need more spring lovin' hop over to my friend Mary's blog. She has some lovely pictures of their 2012 garden. Just click on the link under the picture (also from her blog).

Thanks for reading! Come back soon for tips on thinning out!

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