Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April Farm Updates

Hi all! We're staying busy here at Edgington Farm this month. We've been planting and grooming our yard furiously, and we're not even finshed yet! I've found a little farm sure can keep you occupied in the spring.

In our garden beds and areas we have planted:

Brussels Sprouts
2 types of lettuce
Swiss Chard
2 types of onions

We still have to plant radishes, spinach, and arugula this weekend!

Our animals are all doing very well. Our first batch of chickens are almost 10 weeks old already! They should be laying eggs in approximately 10 more weeks (Eeek! How exciting!) We will be processing our last 8 "real" meat chickens in about 2 more weeks. But, we do have about 6 "packing peanut" freebie male chickens we will be processing in about 10 weeks. Our newer batch of chicks are doing well and feathering out nicely. We should be combining everyone in a couple more weeks.

Bacon is very content bunking in with the chickens, but unfortunately he is stil very hesitant about people. I am trying though!

Our ducks are coexisting very nicely with the goats. I'm very happy that I don't have to clean up so much after those little stinkers! We just wormed our goats and treated them with probiotics to boost their digestion. They're doing well. We are keeping our fingers crossed for some goaty romance so we can have a goat baby!

We have a lot of tomatoes and peppers started, along with a few other "mystery" plants I will be talking about eventually!

Come back soon as we are always up to something here at the farm!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. How are all the animals doing? I was wondering about your goats the other day, have you starting milking them yet?
