Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

Hi all! I know it's been almost a week since I've last posted, but we've been busy planning and celebrating our son's birthday. As always, we are always up to something here on our little farm.

Today is Earth Day (and also the day my son was born 2 years ago!)! Earth Day was founded in 1970 by Gaylord Nelson after a 1969 oil spill. Nelson hoped to focus attention on the ravages of air and water pollution. It is a truly remarkable movement that is celebrated in 192 countries today!! People all over the world will be holding conferences,  planting trees, getting rid of invasive plants, cleaning up beaches and neighboorhoods, and campaigning for reforestation, animal habitats, and climate changes.

Here at Edgington Farm we will be planting some seeds and work on our gardens and flower beds.


Thanks for reading!

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