Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Just Ducky

Hi all. This is a post regarding some of my beginning experiences with raising our
6 mallard ducklings. We got these guys about three weeks ago when we got several other chicks. You can read about it here if you haven't read it yet.

Raising ducks is a lot like raising chicks, but there are some differences. You can find a lot of great info here at Basic Duckling Care-Raising Healthy Happy Ducks from Fresh Eggs Daily. The key differences are that ducklings need niacin and they do mature faster.

My own ecperience, and this is my first (and only) time raising ducklings. I originally had them in my nice chick brooder that Mitch built for me a while ago, but that didn't work out with the ducklings as nearly as well as it has my chicks. Ducks love playing in their water and tend to make a lot of mess with it. Add messy poo, and drooping bits of food in with the water between bites, and you've got yourself a ducking mess!!

All of this dirty water, duck poo, and food begin to get quite smelly, quite fast. One day I'm thinking this could use some cleaning soon. The next day, I'm gagging my butt off! I don't know if it's me being a newbie or it's just the way they are, but raising ducklings is not for the faint of heart!

I finally couldn't take it anymore and now our young ducklings are residing with our 2 goats. This will be hopefully only for the next couple of weeks until I feel comfortable enough to let them out in the yard. I have a shallow dish of water and food out for them,  along with a heat lamp. The goats don't seem to bother them and they all have plenty of space.

Ok, so that was my ugly truth about ducklings cautionary tale, now here's the cute stuff. It is so cute to see these little ducks frolic about in the water I provide for them. When they get out they shake their little duck butts. They follow one another pretty closely and walk around the whole pen in a cute little flock. They are adorable.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I'm curious about ducks but idk if we'll ever get any....maybe one day!

    1. I'm much happier now that they're outside with the goats! They're so cute to watch. I really want a different breed of duck called Welsh Harlequins. But, that's another day. :)
