Monday, February 11, 2013

Got Our Chicks-2013!

Most people don't know the merits of owning backyard chickens.  They are not only a source of eggs and meat, but they are also good for insect control,  decreasing kitchen waste, and increasing compost benefits.

We are beginning our very own journey with chickens this year. We ordered 30 chickens,  and were pleasantly surprised when we recieved more than that in our order!  We ordered them through the mail from a reputable hatchery called Mcmurray Hatchery. My experience with them has been great! We got meat and egg chickens. I'm not sure how hard it will be to eat these guys, but I know we'll be giving them a good life and in return they will serve the noble cause of nourishing my family.  I can't wait to share this experience with you!

Well enough blathering. It's time to bask in their cuteness!


  1. I think this is awesome, I love gardening farming, and raising animals. If you are able to I suggest a nanny goat for the goats milk. we used to raise the.

    1. Sherry,
      We're aiming to get us some goats along with a few other things. *keeping fingers tightly crossed*

    2. thats great amber, I loved our goats, we also raised rabbits. we don't live in a place where we are able to do these things again but hope to by next year. Check out Hoegger goat supply catalog when you get some.

    3. We're considering rabbits but not set in stone. I love Hoeggers! I hope you get to move back to the country again, but you can still do a few things like grow a couple potted herbs and veggies in your kitchen or balcony or patio.
