Friday, February 15, 2013

"You're using that for what??"

I love upcycling. You ever seen that person with a tire flowerbed or a bracelet made from magazines.  Yup, that's me! While I'm not admittedly too creative with my ideas (that's why I love pinterest) I love the idea of making trash into treasure. This year I'll be trying to incorporate this with my gardening.  How the heck to do this, you may ask. Well, the beautiful world wide web is abundant with ideas, I will answer.  Let me tell you, I'm excited!

So here are some great ideas!

* Make newspaper or toilet paper roll pots. Check out my how to here

* Turn milk jugs, 2 liters, and juice jugs into cloches. My friend Mary has a very informative blog post on this very thing. It's really great and I highly recommend it. Check it out here Homegrown on the Hill

Photo courtesy of

* I'm using an old (clean) litter box and disposable cake pans to put my pots in for starting seeds.

* Use cardboard and newspaper for lasagna bed gardening

* You can also use milk jugs to put bigger plants in

Upcycling is really fun and it's wonderful to do.  You can minimize your impact on the earth and maximize your gardening potential at the same time!

What have you upcycled? Got ideas?  I'd love to hear your own experinces and ideas.

Thanks for reading!


  1. There is a lady local to where we live now that people call the tomatoe lady, she goes around adn collects old cups, paper , plastic styrofoam you name it, she grows tomatoe plants in them and then sells them. a friend of ours will save his cups and give them back to her every year. I think this is a wonderful way to upcyle. :)

  2. That is a great story Sherry! Thanks for sharing!

  3. That is a great story!! Another idea I saw was to use an old pallet as a lettuce garden. You purchase landscaping fabric or if you have somethIng similar at your house and wrap around sides and bottom. Fill in with dirt and plant seeds along the made rows! I really want to try this but I need to find a pallet first!

  4. Mary! I was just oggling those and other types of vertical gardens! Check out craigslist for the pallets. I've seen loads of free ones if you're willing to drive.
