Thursday, February 14, 2013

More Chick Pics and Got Some Seeds in the Mail!

We ordered some early spring veggies from a couple of heirloom seed companies. I got some in the mail today from Baker's Creek Heirloom Seeds and Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. We got bunching onions, cabbage, cauliflower (purple I might add...hehe), broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, peas, arugula, swiss chard, and 2 lettuce varieties. I'm attempting to start some seeds this year with our handmade newspaper pots. I'm hoping I can get them to germinate! I'm only filling my pots halfway with soil in case the brassicas I started get leggy. Wish me luck!

Here are some more chick pics. I lost one this morning but the rest are doing well and thriving. They are so comical to watch!

I took the liberty of posing a few with one of Toby's barn toys. Lol. How cute is it?

I forgot to add that Baker's Creek sends a free packet of seeds of their choice with each order. I got a free melon! 

Thanks for reading. Ya'll come back now!

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