Sunday, February 17, 2013

New Chicken Digs

Hi all. We finally built the chickens their new bigger (and might I add badder) chicken brooder. For those of you who don't know chicken lingo,  a brooder is just a fancy name to call a heated box/container for baby and young chicks.

We started out with a modified large dog crate with one heated light. We kept this in our spare room since we couldn't get our detached garage warm enough for the chicks.  While good in theory,  this was not so good in practice.  Our chicks would escape and run around the brooder because they couldn't figure out how to get back in.  (While chickens are neat and very useful animals,  I'm not sure they're known for their intelligence.) They also began to grow very quickly. (Baby animals tend to do that, don't they?) Their rapid growth meant that my 32 one week-old chickens were taking up lots more space. Crowding in the chicken world leads to pecking and injuries, illness, and filth. I also had a problem keeping up with food and water since only small containers could fit in there comfortably.

So anyhow, the new brooder is built.  It's 4x8x2 with 2 heat lamps. We have a little enclosure on one end and a big open area on the other.  The chicks are so happy now!

Sorry about the poor video quality, but I thought I would share because it was so cute!


  1. Adorable! I love your brooder box!! We need to make a bigger one or we may use two for the group we have coming this wk!!

    1. Thanks Mary. It was like $55 for the materials. We already had lights and screws.
