Friday, February 8, 2013

Welcome to Edgington Farms

Hi all! My name is Amber and my fiance and I have decided to start our very own farm/homestead. We have made this decision so that we may become more self-sufficient, practice more control over not just the types of food we eat but the quality as well. We hope to sort of minimize our impact on the earth and eventually teach our son some meaningful lessons about where his food comes from and the importance of good old hard work. This blog will hopefully become a timeline or journal of our journey into homesteading.  We have many goals we wish to accomplish this year with our farm,  but only time (and budget) will tell. Right now my fiance has a honey-do list about nine miles long! Hehe :) I hope you enjoy the blog and maybe we can learn together!



  1. Yay!!! I love it! Great start and your chicks are super cute! We get ours next week and I can't wait! Great job on the blog so far and I can't wait to read the rest! :)

  2. This is wonderful Amber I can not wait to read more, are you doing a garden?

  3. Thanks so much ladies! Sherry, I am starting a garden! Be on the lookout for some posts here very soon concerning just that! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
