Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to Make Newspaper Pots

One of the most important things we're doing this year is starting a garden. We'll be growing lots of heirloom veggie since they are non-GMO, among other things. We're also growing veggies for our chickens.

I've got major spring fever so I found something to do to help combat my eagerness. Since we're starting some seeds this year we need some pots. So instead of buying a bunch of pots I made some for free!

HowTo Make Newspaper Plant Pots

Mason Jar (or any straight sided glass)

First get a whole sheet of newspaper and rip it in half on the crease in the middle.

Fold one sheet in half lengthwise

Using a jar, start at the end of the sheet. Place the jar in the middle so that half of the paper is on the jar and half is above the mouth.

Begin rolling up the paper tightly around the jar. I find it's best to roll the paper on the desk in order to get it good and tight. Don't worry about the paper above the mouth. It should be that way!

Once you've rolled up the paper you need to just start cramming the end into the mouth. There is no technique, just cram away!

Gently twist the cup off and push the bottom down to form the pot. The bottom of the jar can be really useful fot this. That's it!

I'm testing it now and so far so good. It withstands watering well. You probably could plant this directly in the ground but I would peel back or rip off the bottom. I make several each week. I can make about 13 from one paper. Imagine that, 13 plant pots delivered free of charge to your door each week! With practice you can churn these things out in no time. Good luck! Be on the lookout for my seedlings featured in these fun little pots! 

Just a quick side note, making these can be messy but it is easy enough to clean it up with a bit of soap and water. 

Thanks for reading!