Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Photo Credit: e-How Follow the link to read more about growing Silver Queen corn

Hi all. My fiance Mitch dearly loves his tractor and all things tractor related. He has gotten on this big kick of trying to fix up his little old tractor. This has given him many ideas (mostly about buying implements or showing it in the Antique Machinery Show). Some of the ideas may be a little kooky, but he came up with a very nice one this weekend.

After deciding to disk up about half of an acre in the very back of our property, he brilliantly suggested we grow a bunch of corn. Well, if you're like me, your first reaction is "Whaaat??" Then, a little unwillingly, I heard him out. He wants to grow all that corn, and then (here's the cool part!! Eeek!!) make a corn maze. The more I think about it, the more fun it seems! I'm actually pretty excited about this.

We planted the corn today, so all we have to do now is wait. It's kind of a crazy idea, but who am I to crush a dream? I'm willing to give it a good try!

Thanks for reading!

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