Friday, May 24, 2013

Lost A Chicken Today

Hi all. It's a bummed out day here on the farm. We lost one of our four Easter Egger hens to our new puppy. She was my fiance's favorite. He always called her Hawk since her feathersreally gave her this appearance. We never even got a chance to see what her eggs looked like.

As for the puppy, we are trying to find him a new chicken-free home. I feel bad, but we just can't have him eating them up. They're a very important  part of our self-sustaining lifestyle.

That's life I guess, a series of setbacks and triumphs. Today we were setback, so we're hoping for a triumph tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Oh no!! So sorry to hear! I hope you're able to find the puppy a home. Are you gonna try to replace Hawk?

    1. Thanks Mary! I guess it might seem sort of funny to some people about losing a chicken after we intentionally kill others for meat. I guess I always sort of thought of our egg layers as more like pets. I'm sure you can relate! I've been thinking of trying to replace her with another EE or a Maran hen, but not sure yet.
