Sunday, May 19, 2013

New puppy, new problems

Hi all! During my lengthy blog absence we happened to acquire a new four-legged friend. Everybody, meet our new puppy, Chief.

He is about 12 or so weeks old. He is a trail mix puppy, there's a bit of many breeds in him. He was a gift for our son for his birthday. He is still a bit skittish and scared of us. I think this has a lot to do with who owned his poor mama. We are trying to teach him that we're the good guys, though it's slow going.

As with any new animal, there are of course new things to worry about. We don't really have to work with him on house training, as he seems to prefer to be outside. (Woohoo! I don't think I could handle potty training a scared little pup and my 2 year old at the same time! I'd probably have my son going outside and the pup on the Cars potty!) The pup tends to harass our cat, but luckily she is pretty feisty. The chickens on the other hand? Not so much. The "packing peanut" Red Star roosters chase him off, but he is a problem for our hens. He managed to corner one of our Silver Laced Wyandotte hens the other day and plucked out some feathers and injured her leg. There will be more about this in my next post on caring for injured chickens. We are just trying to gently coach him that this is not good puppy behavior here at the farm. I don't think he's being mean, I think he just plays too rough.  He is still very much a baby after all.

If anyone has tips on how to curb chicken chomping, please feel free to chime in! :)

Thanks for reading!

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