Monday, May 27, 2013

Planted The BIG Garden

Hi all! Happy Memorial Day!! It's been a beautiful weekend here in Southern Ohio, and we have spent a lot of time outside enjoying it! I'm excited to report that we planted our big summer garden!

We got it out a little later than I wanted, but it's better late than never. We planted three tomato varieties, six different colored bell peppers, sweet banana peppers, celery, bush and pole beans, popcorn, two varieties of sweet corn, zucchini, two varieties of cucumber, three varieties of muskmelon, squash, pumpkin, and three varieties of watermelon.  WHEW!

We fenced it all in to keep our dogs, chickens, pig, and mostly our 2 year old out. They all tend to wreak havoc on cute little growing plants. I will be doing some updates once we start to see some little seedlings poking out!

Thanks for reading!

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